Mar 1, 2009

If only human heart is kind

If only. If only human does not excercise the little devil in them.

I am not born to entertained nonsense.
I am not born to be as benovelent as others.
I am not born just like others who can swallow their sadness and anger.
I am not born to love everyone.
I am not born to be bullied.

I am cold hearted, but events exploded recently and I realised that no matter how evil hearted I can be, I could only speak.
Blamed it on my guts.
Blamed it on me who cannot do something without my conscience.
Blamed it on me because I hate facing people with guilt and awkwardness even when what I spoke was the truth in total anger.

Some days this anger made me feel so much like crying out and screaming at them.
But blame it on my ego and belief that tears should never roll infront of your opposition.

As much as I believed that our life cannot always be pushed around by others.
Never have I felt so pushed around by others.
Never have I controlled so much anger.

Yes. I may be not the best kind hearted people. But it seems its been an eye opening few months for me.
I've seen how selfish humans can be. Til they forgot about others, just to acheive what they want. Maybe they have even forgotten that there are humans with feelings surrounding them.

I've seen how people cared about the small things in life, they forgot to see the big picture.

I've seen how people angered get carried away, that they forgot to see the white and black in life. That they forgot that there are someone kind enough.

I've seen how people are no better than the one that they are against.

For once, somehow I felt cheated. I felt like I've misjudged everything. Misjudge everything that took time to build, yet moments to destroy. I felt I was not being smart enough. But I was never that smart. Time are to be spent worth while, not analysing all these.

It has come to a point that crack lines will always crack lines. Some word will never be said anymore. Because you are unworthy of those words.

Love, I'm not sure how you can ever me kind to others, even if others are not kind to you. I'm not sure how is that ever possible. I'm not sure how that can inspire the person to pick up traits of you. I think much less of myself. I don't expect them to be like me. All I expect is to be kind. And I cannot imagine how you can possibly pray that they will become someone better someday. I don't think I can ever be like who you are.

And this is why I love you so. Some things others will never understand.

As much as I wished people would be like you. Mak have said,: "If every men is just like the other, that makes all of them redundant."

And I would never want them to be like you. You are special, just like that.

And I don't give a damn who reads this. Yes, I might just be speaking about you for the whole wide world to see...For I believe, there is nothing to be afraid off if I have spoken the truth and done no wrong.

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