Mar 15, 2009

I wonder why.

Have you ever complained about the situation you are in, yet you know you are in a sitaution better than a few million people out there?

You complain about the colleagues you met at work, and wanted to quit your job because you couldn't bear the sight of them even for another day.Yet you know how fortunate you are as compared to the thousands out there have no colleagues to even complain about because they don't even have a job to start with to feed their family of few.

You question and often doubt yourself, with what you have, who you have. But for many others, they don't even have what you have to begin with. Some said parents aren't earning enough, yet there are a world of them out there whose parent's could not even afford to bring 3 meals onto the dining table.

And very often the case that a patient is fighting for his/her live, yet a completely healthy person choose to end their life.

Weird isn't it. No matter how poor you are, or how rich you are, how healthy you are, how sick you are, how fortunate you are, how unfortunate you are. We all have our own troubles and own worries.

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