Jul 29, 2008

She wonder

She hasn't been out of the complaining mood for a long time. She isn't sure why she doesn't seem to be as enthusiastic about her work.

Reason being that she's been working too long? Taking too long for a break? Or just can't wait to get away on a little holiday?

Somedays it seems she feels like wanting a change of job. Somedays she wished that she doesn't have to face the fact and accept the fact sadly that she needs to work on both weekend. She does hate it sometimes. She just accepted the fact, knowing she doesn't have a choice. On the other hand, she might have the choice, just by working extra faster on weekdays. Yet she can't bring herself to do so, and she dreads it somedays. Argh. Somebody tell her why all these is messing up.

Simple things she wish for, she feels so sad to think that they all can't be done. Going out a whole day in Orchard, catching movie and just walking around without rushing is so hard some days. Just so hard, yet what she wants is simple. Very simple.

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